Friday, October 15, 2010

The Ultimate "Principe Azul"

Twilight—just mentioning the word brings various thoughts to mind, but to girls, two names more than likely surface—Edward and Jacob—both supernatural beings that enter our world through the imagination of one writer, a writer I don’t recommend reading. As both a teacher and a literary critic, I decided to check out the plot. While I was reading through the series, I began to ask myself what do girls find so appealing about vampires and werewolves?

My questions gave way to analyzing. Why are girls enamored with Edward? The hero of the novel bears the face and body of a vampire yet the character and personality of a chivalrous knight in shining armor. Edward lays aside his feelings and desires in order to meet the needs of the one he adores. While his supernatural being intrigues and captivates Bella’s attention, his gentle demeanor betrays his overwhelming strength. But perhaps that very fact grasps the attention and admiration of young girls—strength under control. Perhaps his good looks and his gentlemanly conduct fascinate both viewers and readers. Even more, he’ll live forever, at least within the pages of a book.
However, after finishing the series, I began to search deeper and ponder more. Why does a supernatural being with good manners and a love that delves beyond the superficial peek our interest? I motion that such a fascination stems from a void each of us has. No, I don’t mean that each of us needs a vampire to fulfill our lives, but rather that we each have a desire, a need, to be treated like a lady, to be loved beyond comprehension, to be rescued from ourselves. I further motion that our God, our Creator, placed such a desire, such a void, within us.

If He placed such a void, then how does He plan to fill it? Definitely not with vampires but with something much more fulfilling and more satisfying—the ultimate “Principe Azul.” This Knight in shining armor left His perfect world to rescue us from ourselves, from our sin, and from our enemy. While we lay dead in our sins, He put on flesh and lived among us. He possesses the power to create and to destroy, yet He brought such strength under the guise of man so that He could liberate His beloved—you and me.  A profound love for us drove Him to give the supreme sacrifice so that we could enjoy a personal relationship with Him.
No matter how appealing Edward may be for Bella, his very nature brings danger right to Bella’s doorstep. It is this point, among others, that so adamantly distinguishes this vampire from our true “Principe Azul.” While Edward is possibly the worst being for Bella or any other human for that matter, Christ encompasses everything we need to complete our lives and to fill that God-ordained void. While Edward exists only on the printed page, Christ controls every worldwide event along with every personal episode. I then ask myself why don’t I invest as much or even more time into reading God’s love letter to me, His Word, as I do into reading a second-rate novel. My Knight in shining armor already rescued me, lives within me, guides me through His personal Letter to me, will return for me, and, even better, allows me to spend all eternity with Him. He certainly surpasses the pages of a book.

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